New Short Story -


I"ve posted a new short story. Well, it's posted as a short story. It's really a first chapter I was kicking around for a while. I may come back to original idea sometime but the piece I've shared today works pretty well on its own.

The world of singles. Bars. Bar-flys. Pick up artists. Opening lines. Pea-cocking. It's a deeply cynical world and my Truth story gets right to the heart of this.

Guys - see if you recognise yourself in any of this. Girls, maybe you've been approached by someone like this yourself! Let me know.

Anyway - hope you enjoy it. Click HERE



Solitary Man

Song Number 2 - Solitary Man - in my list of interesting songs is now posted on the About page.

This lesser known Neil Diamond song was his first hit, way back in 1966. Before that, he'd been a pretty unsuccessful song writer.

1966 was an interesting year for Neil; not only did he gain his first solo hit, but also one of his songs was taken up by that year's manufactured group - The Monkees. I'm A Believer became a worldwide smash and Diamond never looked back.

Read about it HERE.



Hello to those of you with my card

So, I met you in a bar, in a restaurant, in a shop, in a public place. In Brighton. Or Burgess Hill.

You were handed a card by a slightly mysterious guy. "Look at my website," he said. And here you are. On my website.

Well - congratulations! Here it is, and here I am.

Hope you enjoy what you see. If you click the Amazon link, even better. Drop me a line anyway - either as a comment or contact me directly at Look forward to hearing from you.

Other parts of the country - don't worry I'll catch up with you. As and when!



Yes, it's the waiting game.

I've done the hard work. Written the book (Franco's Fiesta, BTW) and now, it's in the hands of the gods. Well, actually some postie.

My publisher is getting restless. My agent is waiting for his 10%. The book tour is lined up. The interviews with the broadsheet press and the BBC ready to go. My cat wants feeding...

I think it was Churchill who put it best, "Sod it, I'll have a pint."