Tim Robson

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Hanging's Too Good For 'em!

Tim Robson disguises raw sex appeal behind a beard. Bag not pictured as IN THE LUGGAGE RACK.

Okay - as I commute to London everyday,  I am well versed in all the usual gripes and moans every commuter has:-

  1. Late or cancelled trains
  2. Overcrowded trains
  3. Wankers barking into their phones
  4. Overloud music leaking from headphones
  5. Drunk passengers being 'funny'
  6. Smelly people or ill people sneezing all over you.
  7. etc etc

However, I've noticed a new one which, whilst small, is annoying and becoming more so. Bear with me, this may be a pet peeve but my cat's not listening so I need to vent.

No-one uses luggage racks anymore.

Eh, come again Tim?

No-one uses luggage racks anymore.

Me? Well, I find a seat (if one is to be had) get out my laptop or book and put my bag on the overhead luggage rack. That's what they are there for, afterall. It seems that is so twentieth century. The new rock n roll, is to put your bag on the floor by your seat. And then stretch your feet over the bag and so invade the space of the person opposite. Or, straddle your bag so that your feet are now in the space of the person next to you.

Also the new etiquette demands that if someone who's space is thus diminished by your selfishness raises a concern - either vocally or passive aggressively - then you should look - and act - aggrieved. Of course my feet are taking your space - can't you see I've got my bag on the floor you fuckwit?

I've started getting militant. When I find a seat and some twat has got their bag either in my seat (popular) or is so large it is causing my neighbour to spread their feet into my space, I always politely offer to put the offending bag in the luggage rack. It's interesting doing this when the offender is some strapping bloke.

Anyway, pet peeves are just that - something that annoys you that isn't a biggie. 

But it's fucking annoying - what with everything else going on with Southern railways.

Selfish, inconsiderate bastards.

And the guards are going on strike again tomorrow.

