Tim Robson

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The Star of Brexit - The Movie

About 1 hour, 6 minutes and 40 seconds into Brexit The Movie, Adonis appears

The Leave side in the EU referendum have released a feature length documentary on the reasons why the UK should free itself from the tentacles of Brussels. It’s called Brexit - The Movie.

 You can find it on YouTube. Yeah, it’s partisan but, that’s the point, right? It marshals the arguments about why the UK should become at one stroke more internationalist and independent by voting out.

 All good stuff, but, if I may drag this away from high politics and into, er, the realm of the individual for a moment.

 You see, at 1 hour, 6 minutes and 40 seconds – at a guess, I’ve not checked, today anyway– well, yours truly plays a walk on part in Brexit – The Movie.

 In fact, it’s a key scene and some (well, me) are already saying it’s a pivotal scene.

 Check it out. Both the movie and my inadvertent – but happy -  bolstering of the Brexit cause.

 I didn’t even get paid! But some things are more important than money.

 Vote in for Europe (love Europe) and out of the the EU (hate unelected, supra-national corporatists)



Lord Farage appears in this movie. As do I.