Going Off Safari

I think I've solved my website problems. Yes, you can all breath again, the crown jewels of online blogging have been returned to the Tower and all is well once more within the online kingdom.

Which means, I've switched from Safari to Chrome. You see Chrome doesn't drop like Safari and lose my blogging pearls of wisdom. And I can watch my Amazon Prime easier.

Win: win.

Utilising my new freedom from the oppression of lost marvels, I'll be updating more frequently. 

Plenty to talk about, loads to comment on, axes to grind and rock to roll.


The Theft of Knowledge

Just like to say - thank you to whoever is the God of the internet or my website for losing my last, well researched epic of a post.

Seriously guys, thanks.

There was great stuff in there now denied to humanity and history. It's the missing gospel, Tacitus' lost annuls, the scrolls and wisdom flamed in the Great Fire of Alexandria's ancient library.


Okay, it was just some pissed up list about Christmas songs, but still.


